Thursday, 16 June 2022

Kitten updates

The kittens are growing stronger day by day, more attention is being paid to the world outside of their safe & cosy den . A couple of days ago to see how well their limbs are gaining strength I put them all on the carpet just outside of their quarters…. They were nervous, the unknown feel of carpet, the exposure in an unfamiliar place (30cm from their den!) . They wobbled a bit but were able to mobilise & think about moving off. Have a look in the video below: 

They’ve also been changing on the inside too as their teeth are easily felt. I was making a little video at 3:33 this morning when suddenly Prune yelped & began immediately to get up. Obviously a too eager kitten has clamped down this it’s needle sharp teeth trying to keep its place or assure the nipple remained their own. 

I’m going to be introducing solid foods into their diet from Sunday - Prune will be delighted I’m sure though they’ll continue to suckle her even when thy be longer need to. As they get the hang of solids, lots will change… she will no longer see to their toileting needs & so on Sunday as their diet begins to alter so too will their accommodation which will now be adapted once more, this time to include access to a shallow sided litter tray & a dish of water. At first they’ll walk provable through the shallow water a few times before learning it’s there for drinking, but they learn the use of the litter tray readily. Their curiosity has them getting into the tray where instinct drives them to begin scratching about in it. This seems to trigger their bodies & they will just start using it & learning to cover their “business” by themselves. It’s remarkable even if they do at first get this bit a little wrong. It’s also, at times,  made infinitely worse by a runny tummy as their bellies adapt to a meat diet. In such circumstances I do tend to need to do some quickfire rinsing & washing of feet & toes under a warm tap. This is rather unpleasant especially once so agile in their free access around my home. However, for the most part it is a quick progression… their desire for the meat at first is not huge—- what is this weird stuff you are putting in my mouth? I don’t know how to deal with it? I don’t like the taste or the texture! Stop it! Then, oh how they change their minds becoming ravenous for their meat which is fed at first in small amounts 5-6 times a day, then gradually this is reduced to 4-5 times a day as their little tummies hold more. These tiny legs only a few centimetres long, minute compared to my own, can race past me get to the kitchen long before I can, so eager are they to eat! 

The kittens will,as always, be weaned to Natures Menu kitten, this is an ideal & safe first stage of on the way to them having a raw whole prey BARF diet. However, it is also a happy medium as it has a similar texture to commercial processed wet food too making it easy for their future family to do a slow & measured transition of their kittens later on if that is what they desire (transition advice is featured as a chapter in the new owner handbook) . The kittens also have access to Natures Menu dry kibble. Again, a great starter complete food all on its own, a perfect way to get feeding a meat & grain free diet if dry feeding is preferred. A slow reduction in wet food would be all a new family would need t do if this was their preferred . Food type. My own cats are fed on a Orijen Cat & kitten - a dry BARF food. However, of note here is that  while it’s advertised as being ideal to use for kittens for weaning too my own previous experience in doing this is that young kittens have tended not to cope well with this food (as a weaning food) so if you were considering this very excellent food, I would migrate them to this by slowly transitioning them later on . I plan to do this very thing with the kitten I am keeping. So it’s all to come, meantime I hope you’ll enjoy this cute early hours video revealing what goes on in the wee hours. Prune suddenly yelps & moves in response to being nipped by the rather needle like teeth but is encouraged to stay. As she resettles rather than guarding herself instead she positions herself to give as full access as she can. What a magnificent mother she is!

Sunday, 12 June 2022

Preparations & meetings

Time is marching on so fast. While it might appear from the “samey” photos that not a lot changes, I can see the advancement these little critters are making. With that in mind I’ve been getting my head ready for big changes because very soon there’s gonna be a need for food that is more substantial (though Prune’s milk is still tops!). 

In fact, I’m so adoring of Prune for the awesome job she is doing in milk production particularly after her start where she seemed so agitated by their early inability to acquire milk. Thankfully once I’d taken the weight off her by supplying formula milk to them from the evening of their arrival & kept that going a few days, she found her stride  & has been been keeping those round tummies well filled ever since. And I could not be more pleased - its the first time over her now three litters that I have been able to stop giving any formula to any kitten at all. 

Of course I keep a close eye on them & her, ready to help out if she needs it. For now though I’m delighted that she’s absolutely smashing it. Yay Pru!!

Beginning to explore, to be awake, craning necks - alert to my passing by at which point they yell to ask for attention, the kittens are beginning to engage in curious play. Physically they’re progressing & will  get their1st teeth through soon. Oh boy they are sharp little needle-like daggers of pain when they test them out. Poor Prune, I know they’ll be rather brutal on her mummy parts! When this happens most definitely she’ll want to begin weaning. Odd though it might sound, she and Noodle at this point begin to bring toy mice to the den meowing loudly that diner is ready. In fact one of their mice has been dropped off by Noodle a week or so ago. She too is a prepper! 

Prep is key now since the rollercoaster ride of change coming once solids are introduced is unstoppable. They may not get to eat toy mice - though every year I love the instinctual daily effort, particularly as my girls have never seen a mouse in their lives yet somehow know that a toy resembling one is the natural food that their babies require. It’s the effort that counts and it’s preferable to them bringing a tin opener into the bedroom I guess! 

The first big delivery of solid food is due to arrive here tomorrow -  ready to go when the time comes. When it does massive change occurs - for us all! Yikes! 

It’s sad to begin to leave milk behind but will be emotionally easier for me this year since I’ve not developed the usual bottle feeding this time round. Weaning is very much the first major step toward the rest of their lives as individuals! I’ll talk about this another day, for now I’m gonna get every last drop of cute from these teeny-tiny teacup sized Sphynx cats!  

Meanwhile, there was another really big event here on Saturday afternoon. This was when I met (by video call) a very lovely lady, Sarah,  the mum of a family into which one of the lucky kitten crew are destined to go. I love meeting our new families beginning to form these incredible new relationships  & their growing excitement as they prepare for a Sphynx- particularly when it’s a first one! Best of all was getting to show Sarah the kittens live in real time!  I’m pleased to say they all behaved themselves, not minding too much my interrupting their slumber for a quick “show n tell”.  Unfortunately during the call we experienced a few connection issues/freezings but all in all it was a rather wonderful first get together. I so enjoy this spreading of kitten love. We are now hoping to have another video call in a couple of weekend’s time. After which we will be on a roller coaster hurtling head first toward those 8 week in person viewings. Yep, as I said, 

Have a great week! exciting times are ahead!

Things that go Squeak in the night

Not great quality at all, I love these two short films showing the shenanigans that go on during the night when normal people (as in not me!) go to sleep. 

In one film I haven’t moved from my own bed as I film on zoom as poor patient mum Prune is assaulted by her wriggling little hungry caterpillars 🐛! 

In the other, the better of two lousy bits of film footage made when I’d been woken up by a certain skritch skritching sound of kittens claws on cardboard “door way blocker”I’d installed for safety. I have a little climber in there keen on testing out his limbs as well as a little girl rather eager to engage in early play! ❤❤


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